606 Vacancies found
Hotel de 4* din Insula Paros, Grecia, cauta personal: Cameriste, Receptioner, Salvamar, Sofer categoria D, Ajutor in bucatarie, Mentenanta, Greece
Salary from 450 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: Less than 1 Year
- Required languages: English,
Shop Assistant pentru un magazin de bijuterii din Santorini, Grecia!, Greece
Salary from 700 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: Less than 1 Year
- Required languages: English, Spanish,
Urgent! Familie din Anglia cauta Bona., United Kingdom
Salary from 150 Lire/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: 1+ to 2 Years
- Required languages: English,
Urgent! Selectam Infirmiera pentru o casa de batrani din Sicilia, Italy
Salary from 700 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: 2+ to 5 Years
- Required languages: Italian,
Selectam CUPLU de Muncitori pentru un restaurant din Messina, Italy
Salary from 600 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: Less than 1 Year
- Required languages: Italian,
Familie din Oxford cauta tanara Au Pair pentru ingrijirea celor 3 copii, United Kingdom
Salary from 75 Lire sterline/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,
Selectam Cleaner pentru hoteluri/restaurante din Cipru, Cyprus
Salary from 600 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: Less than 1 Year
- Required languages: English,
Hoteluri din Spania selecteaza PERSONAL pentru a lucra in sezonul estival 2014, Spain
Salary from 300 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English, Spanish, Spanish, German, French,
Ospatari(te), Receptioneri, Cameriste, Ajutoare bucatarie, Animatori pentru hoteluri de 3-4* din Spania, Spain
Salary from 300 Euro/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English, Spanish, Spanish, German,
Selectam CUPLU de AU PAIR (ingrijire copii) pentru o familie din Anglia, United Kingdom
Salary from 70 Lire sterline/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English, English,