606 Vacancies found
Familie de langa Roma selecteaza MENAJERA. 700 Euro net/luna + cazare si masa asigurate GRATUIT!, Italy
Salary from 700 Euro net/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: Italian,
Familie cu 2 copii din Kent selecteaza BONA! Castig de 150 Lire/saptamana, United Kingdom
Salary from 150 Lire/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: 1+ to 2 Years
- Required languages: English,
Selectam urgent BONA pentru o familie din Hertfordshire. Castig de 130 Lire/saptamana + cazare si masa asigurate gratuit!, United Kingdom
Salary from 130 Lire/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: 1+ to 2 Years
- Required languages: English,
Electricieni pentru o companie producatoare de masini de ambalat, Romania
Salary from
- Professional field: Professional, scientific and technical activities Other services activities
- Preferable work experience: 5+ to 7 Years
- Required languages:
INGINER CHIMIST pentru o companie ce activeaza in domeniul farmaceutic din Bucuresti, Romania
Salary from Atractiv
- Professional field: Professional, scientific and technical activities Other services activities
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,
Urgent! Automatist pentru o companie producatoare de masini ambalat din Brasov, Romania
Salary from Salariu atractiv
- Professional field: Manufacturing and Producing
- Preferable work experience: 5+ to 7 Years
- Required languages:
Personal domestic in GRECIA. Plecari rapide!, Greece
Salary from 700 Euro/luna brut
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods
- Preferable work experience: 2+ to 5 Years
- Required languages: English,
Bar din Nuremberg selecteaza OSPATARITA! Salariu intre 800-1000 Euro/luna, Germany
Salary from 800 Euro net/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: German, Greaca,
Vrei sa lucrezi in Cipru? Selectam OSPATARI/OSPATARITE. Plecarile sunt foarte rapide!, Cyprus
Salary from 500 Euro net/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,
Urgent! BONA pentru o familie cu 3 copii din Newcastle. Castig de 140 Lire/saptamana, United Kingdom
Salary from 140 Lire sterline/saptamana
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,