606 Vacancies found
Muncitori necalificati pentru o fabrica din Cehia. Fara limba straina si fara experienta!, Czech Republic
Salary from 99.17 CZK/ora (3.80 EUR/ora NET)
- Professional field: Manufacturing and Producing
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages:
PROMOTIE: Costuri 0 la plecare - Personal ferme Danemarca, Denmark
Salary from 1.430 EUR/ luna brut
- Professional field: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English, Romanian,
Stivuitoristi pentru o fabrica din Anglia, United Kingdom
Salary from 395,35 GBP/ sapt. la minimul de 38,4 ore lucrate
- Professional field: Transporting, distribution, storage and logistic
- Preferable work experience: 1+ to 2 Years
- Required languages: English,
Personal amenajari si intretineri spatii verzi, Romania
Salary from 1800
- Professional field: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages:
Mother Help pentru familii instarite din Anglia, United Kingdom
Salary from 150 GBP/sapt.
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,
Sudori Mig Mag (Montatori), chiar si fara limba germana pentru o mare companie!, Germany
Salary from - 9,50 EUR net/ ora
- Professional field: Manufacturing and Producing
- Preferable work experience: 2+ to 5 Years
- Required languages:
Infirmieri clinica pentru adulti cu dificultati de invatare din Anglia, United Kingdom
Salary from 7,50 GBP/ora
- Professional field: Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: No work experience
- Required languages: English,
Director regional de vanzari, Inginer electronist si Contabil pentru o companie de echipamente medicale din Brasov, Romania
Salary from 1.500 RON net/ luna
- Professional field: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Professional, scientific and technical activities Human health, social work activities and health care services
- Preferable work experience: 2+ to 5 Years
- Required languages: English,
Fabrica de prestigiu (Irlanda de Nord) angajeaza Sudori MIG (Junior/Senior)! Pachet de angajare atractiv!,
Salary from 1.600 - 2.200 GBP/ luna
- Professional field: Manufacturing and Producing
- Preferable work experience: 2+ to 5 Years
- Required languages: English,
Ospatarita, Ajutor de bucatar si Bucatar pentru un lant de restaurante din Suedia, Sweden
Salary from 700 - 1.000 EUR net/luna
- Professional field: Hotels and food service activities
- Preferable work experience: 1+ to 2 Years
- Required languages: English,