Urgent! Door and window fitters for a prestigious company in the UK, Marea Britanie
Salariu de la 1.900 GBP/ month
Domeniu activitate
Experiență necesară
Intre 1 - 2 Ani
Cerinta limba
Detalii job
Titlu job
Urgent! Door and window fitters for a prestigious company in the UK
Limba de completare a jobului
Numar pozitii vacante
Marea Britanie
Domeniul jobului
- Alte lucrari speciale de constructii
- Amenajari interioare, lucrari de finisare
Tip post
Norma intreaga
Natura contractului
Contract individual de munca
Limba CV acceptat
CV engleza
Descriere job
The position involves 3 member teams, fitting PVC type doors and windows, displacement from the warehouse to the working area and other responsibilities as mentioned in the job description.
Descrierea jobului
A prestigious British company with over 650 employees is now looking for window and door fitters with B or C category driver’s license and experience in this field or in constructions.
Salaries between 1.900 and 2.300 GBP/ month, quick departure and employment contracts for an unlimited period. Vacancies are limited. Registrations end when all positions are filled in.
Program de lucru
Monday to Friday, usually up to 55 hours/ week
Durata contractului de angajare
Unlimited period
Nr. zile concediu de odihna pe an
20 days + 8 days for legal holidays/ year
Alte detalii
Work locations are London and Wellesbourne. For inexperienced candidates, specialized training is offered at the workplace. The employer supports the new employee with organizing temporary accommodation for up to 3 months, during which the employee will move to a permanent accommodation. The deposit for the temporary accommodation is paid by the employer and it is nonrefundable. The rent is up to 100 GBP/ week and is deducted from the employee’s salary. The rent includes the utility payment. 1-2 persons/ room.
Tip salarizare
Frecventa plata
Moneda de plata
Salariul minim
1.900 GBP/ month
Salariul maxim
2.300 GBP/ month
Ore suplimentare platite
Bonusuri acordate
Depending on weekly performances, candidate will grow from level 1 to level 2 and the weekly salary will increase by 50 GBP. Overtime paid extra: when week end work is required, the working day is paid with the weekly salary divided by 5.
Posibilitati cresteri salariale
Studii minim necesare
Scoala de ucenici
Experienta necesara
Intre 1 - 2 Ani
Calificare necesara
Varsta minima preferata
Varsta maxima preferata
Stare civila acceptata
Casatorit(a) Necasatorit(a) Divortat(a) Vaduv(a)
Documente necesare pentru inscriere
- CV in English + smiling picture
- 1 picture passport type
- 1 picture full body, 9/13 size, office outfit
- Passport copy/ ID document copy
- Birth certificate in original
- Copy of the last studies diploma
- Clean criminal record
- Clean medical record
- Copy of the employment book (if any)
- Copy of qualification papers (if any)
- Drivers’ license B or C category
- 1-2 recommendations in original, in English, from previous employers
- Copy of the National Insurance Number (only if already exists)